I’m Matheus Toazza Tura, a Backend developer since 2016 as a professional developer, worked on several sectors such as desktop trading platform, prop trading firm, agricultural IoT and cybersecurity.
Also worked on different sized companies from startups (6- people) to mid sized companies (100+ people), but my journey as a programmer started way before, back on 2007 at school on the robotics team and later on between 2013 and 2016 programming as research intern on the university computer graphics group.

I have a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, which is ranked among the top 10 universities in Latin America, as an engineer, math is one of my passions, I attended twice as the calculus tutor for the university back on 2012 and 2013.

I am specialized in Amazon Web Services as an associate level AWS Certified Developer, also I have experience with Docker, Python and Java microservices and I use Linux as main OS for over 4 years now.

Adept of Uncle Bob clean code school and TDD as best practices and most of my personal cloud structure is built on AWS and using Infrastructure as code (cloudformation).

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